From Team Panasonic

We are all about our people and therefore we leave no stone unturned when it comes to giving back to the people. We have veterans leading the charge and setting an example for the industry to follow. Together, we build Panasonic India. Listen to the voices of Panasonic.

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Experienced Journeys

At Panasonic, we make sure that experience is incapsulated with drive and there is growth is a constant. We encourage our seasoned operators to use their insight and knowledge to overcome challenges, lead teams and become an example for the younger generation.

Social Programs

We, at Panasonic, contribute to the sustainable development of society by working with our employees, their families, the local community and society at large to work toward a better future. We strive towards inclusive growth as part of our commitment to society and strongly believe that unless and until the fruits of development are equally shared with all our stakeholders, the vision of inclusive and sustainable growth is hard to achieve.

Our Core Purpose

We hope to implement Corporate Social Responsibility while adding measurable values to the community and to our corporation. Panasonic wishes to work in a manner that becomes an exemplary model for other corporations to undertake CSR initiatives the right way.

Panasonic India’s aim has been to create businesses and products that would contribute to economic development while preserving the natural environment. We thereby ensure our customers can achieve a better quality of life.

We have ensured that sustainability is integrated into the very core of our brand and we constantly strive to create valuable ideas which are exemplified in our company mission.